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Because the world owes me nothing, and we owe each other the world

Posted by ladyjayne , 15 July 2010 · 750 views

DW and I had dinner last night at my mom's house. For a bit of background: my parents split up 7 years ago, when I was in my early twenties. I could say a lot more about that, but just for the sake of brevity, I'll just say that it's still hard when your parents split up when you are already an adult. A lot of people think it's only hard when the children are little, and it probably is harder when you're younger, because there are custody issues and children often don't understand what's going on. Instead, I had to deal with feeling like my entire family life before was a lie, and it took me a very long time before I could even think about 'happy memories' from when I was younger without crying, and I still went through the usual blaming of myself that kids do, even though the rational part of me knew it wasn't my fault. I had a lot of people at the time tell me I was "lucky" that it happened when I was older, and I was often made to feel like I shouldn't be upset about it. But I was upset, and it still really sucks, and it was really hard to get support from people who felt like I had no right to be feeling anything about it.

Anyway, that's not my point! My point is that now, 7 years later, my mom still badmouths my dad in front of me, and it sucks. I know she's still hurt, and I respect her feelings and I think she needs to get support around them, but I'm not the right person for that support! I'm still his daughter, and though it took me a long time to forgive my dad, I have, and we are still close. And I share half my genes with him, so when she talks about how he's an idiot/etc, it hurts me.

And now, with DW and I going through this process of trying to make a person, it's even harder. My parents used to be in love, and somehow over the 30 years they were together, things fell apart and now they can barely stand to be in the same room as each other. It just breaks my heart to think about that ever happening to DW and I. Her parents split up when she was 7 years old. When we got married, we both faced similar fears of divorce, even though we are so much in love. We're so very happy now, and we really want to raise a child together, and obviously you can't live your life thinking about what might happen in 20 years, but it's impossible not to think about what happened with my parents (and hers). I really do think that we have a strong enough relationship to weather whatever life throws at us, and we both are really committed, we communicate properly (the major factor in my parents split was lack of communication) and we do our best to be honest with each other, to respect each other, all of that good stuff that makes a relationship healthy and hopefully long-lasting. But hearing my mom talk about my dad the way she does...the man she used to tell me was the love of her life, the man who saved her from her first marriage, who taught her how to laugh and love's just really hard.

I guess she thinks that because I'm an adult, I can handle it. And I want to be there for her, and when they were going through the split I did my very best to be supportive and listen to her, but I just wish she had someone else in her life she could talk to about this stuff, because it's just too hard for me.

I know the "solution" is to be upfront with my mom and tell her I can't listen to it anymore, but I just can't do that - I really can't. All I can do is listen, grit my teeth, and then discuss the hell out of it later with DW...and now, bitch about it on here!

Good luck bitching about it on here, we don't get tired, like live friends do. Stinks, but I hear you on not being able to be forward about it. Still, I hope it gets better. My mom and her ex (my stepdad) and his new (well, 12 years new) wife all talk now, and they were (all 3) at my (2nd) wedding at the same table. Life's weird.
Jul 15 2010 10:21 AM
hey ladyjayne - my parents divorced when I was 18 and I've often said it's harder on adult children because they do understand. We understand the pain and heartache our parents are feeling and have felt. We can see how much they are hurting. And they think they can treat us like adult friends instead of their children.

I'm sorry you're going through this. I wish you could tell your mom to stop but it's sometimes tough to have those talks with parents. Could you gently remind her that you are not the ideal person for her to lean on about this? I really don't believe you are meant to support either of your parents through this, they need to find friends for that. You are their child and you have loyalties to both sides so you are being put in a bad position.

Hopefully you have some good role models to show you that a long-term loving marriage is possible and worth it.
Hi there, I was 10 when my parents split up. My mom used me as a sounding board even at that age; I guess she thought that because I was mature for my age that I could handle it. I let her talk about my Dad and even picked up on her rage and felt angry with him too. I have a very wise uncle who told me, when I was about 15 to stand up for myself and my Dad. He's my Mom's younger brother and knew what was happening wasn't right. It took me a couple of months but I finally worked up the courage to tell my Mom that I loved my Dad and even though he did some bad things - I didn't appreciate the things she said about him. I also told her that she needed to find friends who she could talk to about this stuff because I didn't want to hear it anymore. Luckily, she did stop but not without a lot of reminding from me to knock it off.

Yes, she's still the Mom and you're still her child - the difference now is that you are both adults. It's not easy to tell your Mom but it's necessary for your well being.

Ladyjane- my parents split up when I was 18, basically 2 months after I left the house for College. They had a nasty 7 yr long divorce and tried very hard to put me in the middle since my brother was in Europe already. So I understand where you're coming from.
However, I really don't get why you can't just say "Mom, do you think you could try and ease off on bad mouthing dad to me? It really upsets me and I wish you wouldn't talk that way about him to me. He's my father, he's the man YOU CHOSE to be my father. I know he has his faults and it's taken me a long time to forgive him for some things he's done in the past,but I have- and I really would like it if you'd try to hold back when it comes to cutting him down. Please. "
You're an adult now, and you are married and trying to have a child. I honestly think if saying that to your mother is too difficult for you, than you have a long hard road ahead. There are things in life WAAAAY more difficult than having backbone with parents. I laid down the law back in my early 20's to both parents. I said "enough is enough. Bitch about eachother all you want to your friends, but I don't want to hear it."
I really don't mean to sound unsympathetic and I hope you don't take this wrong way, but I think you've built it up in your head to be something way harder to do than it actually is. I really think you should just let the words fly next time. One night of "uncomfortableness", or a few days of "silent treatment" from your mom is no biggie, when you think of the rewards. Goodluck!

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